Al escuchar 'diseño web corporativo' generalmente pensamos en una página aburrida, sin mucho chiste, y meramente informativa sobre una empresa. La realidad es que no todos los diseños corporativos tienen porqué ser así. Si, hay cierta información que no se puede dejar de lado, y si, el contenido quizá no pueda ser lo más entretenido para el lector. Pero es aquí donde el diseñador tiene la batuta para llevar ese diseño a otro nivel de visualidad para atraer la atención del visitante del sitio. Los siguientes son ejemplos de páginas web corporativos que distan mucho de ser aburridos, por el contrario, resultan de lo más atractivos. ¡Disfruten!
31 Three
The butterflies in this web design signifies growth, fertility and all things positive.

The design for this web creates an image through its well known car shapes and design.

Mail Chimp
Graphics or mascot used in the web design can help customer relate to the company’s image or brand.

The classy design of this web is brought out by the color choices.

Sinclair Brook
A minimal design to reduce clutter for better readability.

Cascade Brewery Co.
The design creates a vintage impression for the web.

LK Hjelle
A graphic display gives the audience a rough idea on the type of services the company provides.

Blitz Agency
An awesome and exciting design for a social media agency.

The graphics and images display on the site offers and easy explanation on what they company do.

A wonderful design that gives of a corporate feel by utilising colors and graphics.

Camp Creative Group
A colourful and sleek design for a graphic design company.

Financial companies might prefer less design to enhance readability to give their viewers more information.

A surprisingly simple web design for a famous company that features their latest work and production.

A colourful web design that features the brand image.

One of the more awesome and inspiring interactive websites.

One of the more popular minimally designed corporate website.

A website that comes incorporated with Flash.

Kurylowicz & Associates
Another sleek and classic corporate web design that comes incorporated with Flash animation.

A company that provides safe surfing options on the internet.

Navigant Consulting
Navigant’s business consulting services enable clients to respond to disputes & investigations, regulation, reform, customer demand and more.

The main focus of this web design seems to lie in its typography and layout.

Glenilen Farm
The color themed used throughout the entire web reflects on the logo’s color.

Trent Cruising
The blue tones used in the web design gives of a soothing and calming atmosphere.

Chapeltown Development Trust
Chapeltown Development Trust is a community-led organisation based in the Chapeltown area of Leeds.

A dynamic and sleek design that uses only blue and black tones.

A corporate website for a web hosting company.

Cappucino is an open source framework that makes it easy to build desktop-caliber applications that run in a web browser.

A web that features an open source non-profit video player.

A flash website that was also designed by 4 other French designers.

An interactive agency that provides various services including web design and web development.

A webs design companies that features an impressive design portfolio.

Pokeso is the very first SEO reporting app for Apple’s iPhone.

Supersonic Ads
Sometimes incorporating some cartoon graphics on the website can make things more interesting and eye catching.

A simple design for an e-book software website.

The color tones used in this website brings out the class and image of the brand.

Another wonderful web design for a website design studio.

A social media monitoring company that shows you what the public or the competitors say about your brand or industry.

The home page of this web features graphs and statistical charts as its slideshow.

Using colourful pictures to draw attention to a certain area.

Campaign Monitor
The other way to express professionalism is by using suitable typeface for the company’s website.

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