La publicidad es creada con el propósito de atraer la atención del público así como generar conciencia y atención por parte de su mercado meta o sus espectadores. Sin embargo, muchos diseñadoresy publicistas suelen tomar un paso más adelante para asegurarse de que el mensaje penetre profundamente en la mente del consumidor. Para poder lograr ésto, se debe escandalizar y sorprender al espectador, causando el Marketing controversial y el marketing extremo.
El marketing extremo es hecho intencionalmente con un fin. Éste tipo de publicidad juega con los aspectos psicológicos de la mente humana. Evoca emociones tales como la ira o el miedo, y la imagen mostrada en ocasiones causa tal shock en la mente del consumidor, que incluso cuando recuerdan el anuncio llegan a seguir sintiendo la emoción que les causó.
El marketing controversial por otro lado, genera situaciones paradójicas que nos dejan pensando y causan conciencia acerca de un tema. El marketing controversial es tan efectivo como el extremo, ya que en general el público ama la controversia y el morbo que pueden causar. Es así como nos encontramos entonces que las tácticas que se suelen emplear para éste tipo de anuncios son para campañas para generar conciencia. Algunos ejemplos pueden ser temas políticos, racismo, campañas anti-tabaco, ETS, etc.
Designed for a fashion line, showing models as fashion junkies.

Antonio Federici Ice Cream: Immaculately Conceived
Immaculately Conceived Ice Cream is our religion.

IndyAct: Snow Leopard
An ad for the campaign against fur coats.

Aware Helpline: Verbal Abuse
To raise awareness that sometimes verbal abuse is just as bad as a physical one.

WWF: Blood
WWF campaign to raise awareness that buying exotic animal souvenirs can cause damage to the wildlife.

CONAC Chilean Corporation Against Cancer Cancer: Brown
An ad depicting how second hand smoke can affect your loved ones.

Deutscher Tierschutz Bund e.V.: Animal Rights, Pig
Put yourself in a pig’s place. Stop anaesthetic-free piglet castration with us! Animals suffer like we do.

PIA! (Peace in Action): Chad T-shirt
Ad designed for PIA! (Peace in Action).

Pink Ribbon: Survived
An ad for breast cancer that leaves a strong impression on their viewers.

Coco De Mer Erotic Boutique: Doomsday Sex
Ad for an erotique boutique with a tag line that says “Like there’s no tomorrow”.

Dolce & Gabbana
One of the more controversial ads that were banned, seeing that the ad “praise of the violence toward the woman”.

Bäckerei Tröller: Really good bread
Bread so good that even Jesus does not want to share it.

Adam Le Adam, Community For The Elderly: Hangman’s Noose
Over 50% of all suicides are committed by senior citizens.

One Life: Shower
Each time you sleep with someone, you also sleep with his past. Get tested for HIV.
An anti-discrimination ad ran in Holland.

Casa Do Menor: hands
Set the kids free from abuse and violence.

WWF: Baby
Consuming the Earth is consuming our future.

Brita water filtration pitchers
Last year 16 million gallons of oil were consumed to make plastic water bottles.

Sanctuary, Save the tiger: Binocular
Killing tigers, kills tourism.

Shared Responsibility: Kidnapping
Cocaine doesn’t destroy people, it destroys a country.

Alka-Seltzer: New Year
Hangover is dangerous.

Multiple Sclerosis Australia: Use By Dates
When you have Multiple Sclerosis you never know what will expire next.

Colombian Association of Arterial Hypertension: Home
Without knowing you can be dying. High cholesterol injures your heart.

Association de défence contre le tabac: Girl
Smoking is being a slave to tobacco.

Pedestrian Council of Australia: Family
Kill a kid. Kill a family. Slow down in school zones.

Just liquid hand wash: Maggots
If you aren’t totally clean, you are filthy.

E.N.P.A.: Spray
Help us fight the effects of cosmetic testing. Street
Ad designed for anti-binge drinking campaign.

Fondation Abbé Pierre: The lifeguard
During Summer, first aid isn’t needed only on the beaches.

Workplace Safety Insurance Board: Sign
An ad that promotes work place safety.

Silk Soft: 100% Recycled
A very disturbing and controversial ad that promotes the fact that Silk Soft is 100% recycled.

Children and Adolescents Reference Center: Peter
Turn off the lights and help Peter overcome his fear of the dark.Pedophilia. You might not see it, but it could be happening. 70% of child abuse cases take place in their own home.

Roy Awards: Eyes
The art of making people give away their eyes for 30 seconds.

FAADA: Woman
For one leather coat 120 young animals are slaughtered.

Deutsch: Crotch
An ad designed just to spark controversy.

Amnesty International: Swimming
After the Olympic Games, the fight for human rights must go on.

JBS Men’s Underwear: Nurse
Men’s underwear ad with and underlying message that plays on humour and sarcasm.

McDonald’s: Individuals
McDonald’s way of saying that they are against racism.

Viagra: Holes
A viagra ad that uses both humour and sexual theme to carry out their message.

IP Press Men’s Magazine: Kennedy Assasination
A controversial ad for a men’s magazine.

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