Seguimos recapitulando los mejores diseños del 2014. Hoy en particular toca el turno a los mejores diseños de portadas de libros y discos del 2014. La mayoría de ellos reflejan perfectamente la personalidad de los artistas, músicos o escritores de las obras que se presentan. No sé si a ustedes también les pasa, pero nosotros como profesionales de la comunicación visual, damos un gran peso a la estética de una publicación a la hora de comprar un nuevo libro o disco, o al menos es un gran plus para tomar una decisión de compra. Lo cierto es que a veces nos parecen irresistibles como para no comprarlos, y los siguientes ejemplos son prueba de ello.
¿Qué les parecen?
Fuente: Youthedesigner

Design by Rachel Adam.

Design by Peter Mendelsund.

Design by Peter Mendelsund and Oliver Munday.

Design by Chip Kidd.

Design by Oliver Munday.

Design by Isabel Urbina Peña.

Design by Rodrigo Corral and Tyler Comrie.

Design by W. H. Chong.

Design by Gabriele Wilson.

Design by Charlotte Strick.

Design by Pablo Delcan.

Design by Oliver Munday.
Best Album Covers of 2014

FKA twigs: LP1 – Design Jesse Kanda.

Amy Kohn: PlexiLusso – Design by Non-Format.

Rustie: Green Language

Sharon Van Etten: Are We There

Feadz: Instant Alpha

St. Vincent: St. Vincent

Swans: To Be Kind – Design by Michael Gira.

Strange Hands: Realm of Dawn – Design by Lucas Donaud.

Glass Animals: Zaba – Design by Micah Lidberg, Boat Studio, and Dave Bayley.

SBTRKT: Wonder Where We Land – Design by A Hidden Place.

Iceage: Plowing Into the Field of Love

Design by Rachel Adam.
Design by Peter Mendelsund.
Design by Peter Mendelsund and Oliver Munday.
Design by Chip Kidd.
Design by Oliver Munday.
Design by Isabel Urbina Peña.
Design by Rodrigo Corral and Tyler Comrie.
Design by W. H. Chong.
Design by Gabriele Wilson.
Design by Charlotte Strick.
Design by Pablo Delcan.
Design by Oliver Munday.
Best Album Covers of 2014
FKA twigs: LP1 – Design Jesse Kanda.
Amy Kohn: PlexiLusso – Design by Non-Format.
Rustie: Green Language
Sharon Van Etten: Are We There
Feadz: Instant Alpha
St. Vincent: St. Vincent
Swans: To Be Kind – Design by Michael Gira.
Strange Hands: Realm of Dawn – Design by Lucas Donaud.
Glass Animals: Zaba – Design by Micah Lidberg, Boat Studio, and Dave Bayley.
SBTRKT: Wonder Where We Land – Design by A Hidden Place.
Iceage: Plowing Into the Field of Love
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